ŠKODA Economy Run 2014 - English
- Podrobnosti
- Zobrazeno: 5676
33rd year of ŠKODA Economy Run will be held on 20.9.2014. The event will be run in two stages in a single day.
The event is organized with the cooperation of ŠKODA Auto a.s. and ÚAMK-Automotoklub Škoda Mladá Boleslav. The technical check of the competing vehicles is provided by Servisní služby ŠKODA Auto. All facilities are located in the building of ŠKODA Service Training Centre (STC).
The length of the route is approximately 300km divided into two stages. The route will use both main and secondary roads, but no highways. The break between stages will be passed in the Škoda factory plant in Vrchlabí.
If you are interested to participate in this event, please, peruse the Regulations of the event and send us a filled up Entry form. Please don't forget to attach a scanned copy of the registration book of the competing car. You can use following possibilities for sending us those documents :
- by e-mail to Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.
- by post to ÚAMK-Automotoklub Škoda, tř.Václava Klementa 839, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav
- by fax to +420 326 782 703
By sending the entry form you agree to be bound by the Regulations.
Every entrant will receive a statement about his/her application for the event by September 5th.
We are looking forward to see you in September.
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